Friday, February 1, 2008

Men for sure are from Mars................

I have met different kinds of people Men, Women, people with different sensibilities and preferences but most difficult to understand is Men........... hands down............ they just think weird. They just have different ideology on life and they unabashedly presume that the whole world should think the same. Their alpha male attitude with egos the size of a globe just cant take a no for an answer. It is annoying when they try their convincing powers on the female of the spieces which is just drag.....................


falguk said...

relax!! whom are u so mad at???well written though... ;)

Audin said...

haila, acc to me - i dont consider ne gender grouping coz i knw lot of gals who are such and lot of guys who are such - its how u want to b - and not by wt u are already.